What You Should Know About Online EMDR Therapy


Out of necessity, I started treating people online with EMDR therapy in 2020. I’m sure you’ve made the move to the virtual world in many ways since then too! Initially, I was really hesitant to move from the “in-person” world into the “online” world. I wasn’t even sure it was possible to do EMDR therapy online! I’ve since moved exclusively to online EMDR therapy, and here’s what I’ve learned in the meantime!

What You Should Know About Online EMDR Therapy in Carlsbad, California

Pros about online emdr therapy in california


If you live anywhere in California and have a reliable internet connection, then we can work together. You are no longer limited to the treatment providers that are close to your home. This opens up your access to treatment providers that are specialized in your specific needs - rather than settling for someone who is nearby.


The convenience of Online EMDR Therapy cannot be beat. You no longer have to block out several hours of your day for travel time to and from your sessions. You don’t have to worry about traffic, weather, road closures or other unforeseen circumstances. Just hop on to your portal, and you’re ready to go.


With the increased convenience, I’ve noticed a sharp increase in the consistency of sessions. People are needing to reschedule sessions much less often. With this consistency, we’re able to move through treatment more efficiently and people are feeling better much more quickly!

Protection from infectious illness

Is the flu going around? You don’t have to be concerned about exposure to any infectious illness someone might have brought into the office before you - and you don’t have to worry about me exposing you to anything! If you’re sick, but feeling well enough for a session, we can still see each other! This also means that I reschedule sessions much less because I’m not concerned about spreading something if I’ve got the sniffles.


Since you get to choose the location of our sessions, you can set yourself up for maximum comfort. You’ll be in the environment of your choosing, with your pet close by. If your dog wants to be in your lap, I welcome that! Mine will probably be napping with us too. As a bonus, people tend to feel comfortable more quickly, a necessary component to healing process.


In my experience, I haven’t noticed any difference in the effectiveness of online EMDR therapy versus in-person EMDR therapy! This surprised me, especially since I wasn’t even sure it was possible to do EMDR online at first. While the research regarding the effectiveness of online EMDR is new, it appears promising! You can review the ongoing research here.

I learn more about you

Rather than you showing up to the environment that I’ve set up (my office), I see the environment you’ve set up! I actually gain a better understanding of you by seeing you in your chosen environment. You’ll get to practice coping skills in your own environment and I’ve even been able to target specific triggers “in-vivo” because the trigger was right there!

I’ve even met families, which has allowed them to ask questions and understand the process of treatment. But most importantly, I feel like I’ve gotten to know my clients even better because of the opportunity that online EMDR therapy has allowed.

how to have a successful online emdr experience

Ensure you have a solid internet connection

Even with the best internet connection, there are times when it won’t cooperate! Personally, my connection is hardwired to my computer to minimize interruptions on my end. If this is possible for your internet connection, I highly recommend it! Otherwise, there may be times that our connection drops - and that’s ok! While this is rare, we just hop back on and keep going. I look at this as a way to build patience and distress tolerance!

Another caveat - if you’re at home and someone is gaming on your internet connection, that will definitely slow things down for you!

minimize distractions and ensure your privacy

Make sure you are alone and in a private location. Some people prefer to have a noisemaker outside of the room to ensure that family/others cannot overhear the session. Put your phone on silent and move it to the side so you’re not distracted by all those spam callers!

have the correct equipment

Ideally, you should be on a laptop or desktop with headphones. The laptop/desktop ensures that you’ll have the best experience with the eye movements. Some people prefer auditory tones, rather than eye movements, so you’ll want headphones to enhance the experience.

I’ve conducted many sessions with people in their cars! I’m ok with this as long as you don’t find that you’re distracted and you are ok with self tapping (rather than eye movements or auditory tones) for the bilateral stimulation that EMDR requires.

other considerations for online emdr therapy

Some people just prefer the in-person experience! If that sounds like you, then online EMDR therapy may not be for you. Another consideration is that if there’s a medical emergency on your end, I will not be in person to intervene - though I will be calling 911 and sending medical personnel your way! And on the rare occasion, a power outage may impact our ability to connect for your session.

If you’d like to try online EMDR therapy, click here to book a free 15 minute video consultation for online EMDR Therapy and PTSD treatment in California.

Online EMDR Therapy and Trauma Counseling in California and Carlsbad, CA


Can EMDR Therapy Be Done Online?